Inner Dream (Unreleased) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "When you bite the dust, was it for purpose or for trust? You'll never relive it, think before you die." - Before You Die
Inner Dream
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Remark: This is a demo song written prior to Generator.
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He's a haggard old fellow with a prominent chin
And every time the sun comes up he's told to begin
With a ?????? he works and abrades his callous hands [With a (accounts? counsel? ???)  full of matured pride he works with (a?) blatant calloused hands]
He pushes hard til sundown when he can hardly stand

And he learned how to do it with practice and determination
And no one can stop him 'cuz he heard an inner dream
Our species is careening towards oblivion ever faster
I have the world's problems thrust upon my back
And at that crucial moment I shall liberate the planet
My big wall will be the structure through which nothing else can pass

All the neighbors pass by and they laugh at his creation
They deface his monolithic work, gotta defend his vocation [they deface his model [living day's], work and defend his vocation]
From his ??? trestle [serially weak trestle?], he can hear their uttering 
"I'm doing this for you all" he cried, "don't you understand the sanctity it brings?"

He learned how to do it with practice and determination
And no one can stop him 'cuz he heard an inner dream
Our species is careening towards oblivion ever faster
I have the world's problems thrust upon my back
And at that crucial moment I shall liberate the planet
My big wall will be the structure through which nothing else should pass

When his trying task is over, it's time to end his day
He goes to sleep the angels come and this is what they say:
"Build ever higher, work ever more
Don't be distracted by anything until you done your choir"
"Can't you see I'm tired 
It's a hundred and five feet tall 
I think the time has come
To go and save them all"

Our species is careening towards oblivion ever faster
I have the world's problems thrust upon my back
And at that crucial moment I shall liberate the planet
My big wall will be the structure through which nothing else will pass

And the world will turn as usual

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