Discography collection of marvthezombie | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "I don't really care what other people may say. I've gotta go on living my life anyway." - Land of Endless Greed
Discography collection of marvthezombie (6 items)
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Item name Country Format Label Catalog ID Year Disc / Label details
Suffer - Front (1020x1000)
Suffer - CD (989x1000)
Suffer United States CD Epitaph Records 2004
Different artwork CD.
15 tracks - Remaster - Jewel case
Generator - Front (998x1000)
Generator United States CD Epitaph Records 2004
Different artwork CD.
13 tracks - Remaster - Jewel case
The Process of Belief - Front (1011x1000)
The Process of Belief United States CD Epitaph Records 86635-2 2002
14 tracks - O-card slipcase and jewel case
All Ages - Front (1014x1000)
All Ages United States CD Epitaph Records 86443-2 1995
Some versions may have sticker on front cover
22 tracks - Compilation - Jewel case
Against The Grain - Front (710x712)
Against The Grain United States CD Epitaph Records E-86409-2 1990
17 tracks - Jewel case
No Control - Front (709x714)
No Control United States CD Epitaph Records 1989
Two titles are incorrectly named on the CD: Track #4 "Sometimes It Feels Like" and Track #15 "The World Won't Stop Without You".
The spines on this release are both yellow.
15 tracks - Jewel case
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