Discography collection of suffer1988 | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "And the cutting edge is dulling, too many people to plow through. Just keep your fucking distance, and it can't include you" - Progress
Discography collection of suffer1988 (3 items)
To top Albums
Item name Country Format Label Catalog ID Year Disc / Label details
Stranger Than Fiction - No title (966x956)
Stranger Than Fiction United States CD Atlantic 82658-2 1994
15 tracks - Jewel case
Suffer - Front (1000x1000)
Suffer - CD (1014x1000)
Suffer Europe CD Epitaph Europe E-6404-2 1988
15 tracks - Jewel case
To top Misc releases
Item name Country Format Label Catalog ID Year Disc / Label details
Public Service Compilation songs - Front Cover (1020x1000)
Public Service Compilation songs - A-Side (1000x1000)
Public Service Compilation songs United States 7" Punk N Vomit Records 2019 Vinyl: Trans Blue / Label: Crossbuster
Public Service compilation tracks From 1981. Includes insert with lyrics.
The First and Second pressings were essentially "mis-pressings" in that the band logo on the cover and center labels were backwards and the band font on the cover and insert wasn't the normal font. All of these things were later corrected for the third pressing on gold wax. This pressing does not include the additional "contract" insert.
3 tracks - Compilation - Reissue - Colored vinyl - Limited 500 - Cardboard sleeve
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