Jello Biafra with Bad Religion (misc release) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "If life makes you scared and bitter, at least it's not for very long" - Slumber
Jello Biafra with Bad Religion (1991)
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Item name Country Format Label Year Disc / Label details
Jello Biafra with Bad Religion - Front (383x400)
Germany 7" Alternative Epitaples 1991 Cover: White / Vinyl: Black
Released by a (German) fan club. Apparently there are two different versions: a 'Jello' sleeve (limited to 200(?) copies) with a comic printed on the back cover and second version that has a xeroxed sleeve with a hand written 'Black Humor' logo and an insert with the comic and a few comments. There's are no songs on it, just some mixed samples of Jay's voice (most likely to be taken from interviews).
Bootleg! - 2 tracks - Split - Limited 200 - Paper sleeve
Jello Biafra with Bad Religion - Front (1041x1000)
Jello Biafra with Bad Religion - Vinyl (736x522)
Germany 7" Alternative Epitaples 1991 Cover: Yellow / Vinyl: Black / Label: White
Released by a (German) fan club. Apparently there are two different versions: a 'Jello' sleeve (limited to 200(?) copies) with a comic printed on the back cover and second version that has a xeroxed sleeve with a hand written 'Black Humor' logo and an insert with the comic and a few comments. There's are no songs on it, just some mixed samples of Jay's voice (most likely to be taken from interviews).
Bootleg! - 2 tracks - Split - Limited 200 - Paper sleeve
Jello Biafra with Bad Religion - Front (850x857)
Jello Biafra with Bad Religion - Vinyl (827x830)
Germany 7" Alternative Epitaples 1991 Cover: Yellow / Vinyl: Black / Label: Black
Released by a (German) fan club. Apparently there are two different versions: a 'Jello' sleeve (limited to 200(?) copies) with a comic printed on the back cover and second version that has a xeroxed sleeve with a hand written 'Black Humor' logo and an insert with the comic and a few comments. There's are no songs on it, just some mixed samples of Jay's voice (most likely to be taken from interviews).
Bootleg! - 2 tracks - Split - Limited 200 - Paper sleeve
Jello Biafra with Bad Religion - Front (950x928)
Germany 7" Alternative Epitaples 1991 Cover: Red / Vinyl: Black
Released by a (German) fan club. Apparently there are two different versions: a 'Jello' sleeve (limited to 200(?) copies) with a comic printed on the back cover and second version that has a xeroxed sleeve with a hand written 'Black Humor' logo and an insert with the comic and a few comments. There's are no songs on it, just some mixed samples of Jay's voice (most likely to be taken from interviews).
Bootleg! - 2 tracks - Split - Limited 200 - Paper sleeve
Jello Biafra with Bad Religion - Front (994x1000)
Germany 7" Alternative Epitaples 1991 Cover: Blue / Vinyl: Black / Label: Black
Released by a (German) fan club. Apparently there are two different versions: a 'Jello' sleeve (limited to 200(?) copies) with a comic printed on the back cover and second version that has a xeroxed sleeve with a hand written 'Black Humor' logo and an insert with the comic and a few comments. There's are no songs on it, just some mixed samples of Jay's voice (most likely to be taken from interviews).
Bootleg! - 2 tracks - Split - Limited 200 - Paper sleeve
Jello Biafra with Bad Religion - Front (500x500)
Germany 7" Alternative Epitaples 1991 Cover: Pink / Vinyl: Black
Released by a (German) fan club. Apparently there are two different versions: a 'Jello' sleeve (limited to 200(?) copies) with a comic printed on the back cover and second version that has a xeroxed sleeve with a hand written 'Black Humor' logo and an insert with the comic and a few comments. There's are no songs on it, just some mixed samples of Jay's voice (most likely to be taken from interviews).
Bootleg! - 2 tracks - Split - Limited 200 - Paper sleeve
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