All items with Brooks Wackerman | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "There's a feeling about myself that I can't understand. It's a foreboding sense that I see all around the land." - Crisis Time
All items with Brooks Wackerman
Items (19)
Item name Category Publish date Language Format
Radio Fragola - No image (x)
Interview | Radio 6/13/2008 Italian
No synopsis available
Source: Radio Fragola
With: Brooks Wackerman
Brooks shares his festival feeling at Pinkpop - Screenshot (321x202)
Interview | Internet 5/31/2008 Video
He tells about the various projects he is involved in, the greatest band the world Tenacious D for example. Furthermore he tells something about his own project with his brother. And we actually get to witness an appearantly big event; Greg talks to Brooks!
Source: Toazted (Netherlands)
With: Brooks Wackerman
Brooks Wackerman for Bad Religion - No image (321x202)
Interview | Internet 5/31/2008 English
No synopsis available
With: Brooks Wackerman - No image (321x202)
Interview | Internet 4/27/2008 English
No synopsis available
With: Brooks Wackerman
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